Daniel wins our Spotlight Award

We’re thrilled to shine a well-deserved spotlight on one of our exceptional team members, Daniel Carter, who has been recognised with the Spotlight Award at Taurus Security Group.

Daniel’s outstanding contribution to our Events Team has not gone unnoticed. His dedication and commitment to going beyond in his role have left an indelible mark on our clients and our operations.

In a recent event with our valued client KeolisAmey Metrolink, Daniel’s integral role in ensuring smooth operations on the line was highly praised. The positive feedback we received about his assistance in helping people navigate the platforms and supporting the overall operation was truly remarkable.

What sets Daniel apart is not just his commitment but also his willingness to engage with our clients directly. Our Group Director, John Bruder, attended the event to hear the feedback firsthand.

John Bruder our Group Operations director said: “Daniel’s professionalism and commitment to his role and ability to carry out magnificent customer service is a true credit to himself, Taurus and Metrolink. It was fantastic to hear the positive feedback and recognise his outstanding work.”

As a token of our deep appreciation, Daniel was presented with a £50 voucher by Lucy Ryder, Security Operations Manager for Metrolink and John Bruder.

Daniel, your dedication, professionalism, and commitment to excellence are truly inspiring. You’re a shining example of what makes Taurus Security Group a leader in our industry. Thank you for your hard work and congratulations on this well-deserved Spotlight Award!